Everyone who knows me
personally knows that I suffer from seasonal allergies. Come summer, my eyes
itch, turn red and trigger severe sneezing. A few years ago, I had discovered
that roasted cumin seed tea provided relief as long as I kept drinking the tea throughout
the day. This year, I have discovered a better remedy. Cloves are the miracle
cure! Chewing just one clove provides instant relief to allergy sufferers. Not
only for allergies but, chewing on just one clove also eases any kind of body
aches and cramps. Just one clove takes the place of anti-histamines and
anti-inflammatory medicines. Please do try this ONLY if you are not allergic to
cloves or have other medical conditions which prevent you from taking cloves.
If you are in doubt, consult a health care practitioner and remember just one
clove is sufficient and overdosing should be avoided.
Cloves contain antioxidants which also include eugenol and vitamin C. Cloves contains an
active component called eugenol; this compound helps remove environmental
pollutants like carbon tetrachloride from our body and protects us from
digestive tract cancers, and joint inflammation. In the United States, eugenol
extracts from clove are used by dentists because of their mild anesthetic and
anti-bacterial property.
Remember that it is not safe to pop an antihistamine every single day as they may cause dementia and other unsavoury side effects. Antihistamines are a class of drug called anticholinergic medications. In a report published in JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers offer compelling evidence of a link between long-term use of anticholinergic medications AND DEMENTIA.
“The ACT results add to mounting evidence that anticholinergics aren’t drugs to take long-term if you want to keep a clear head and keep your head clear into old age. The body’s production of acetylcholine diminishes with age, so blocking its effects can deliver a double whammy to older people. It’s not surprising that problems with short-term memory, reasoning, and confusion lead the list of side effects of anticholinergic drugs, which also include drowsiness, dry mouth, urine retention, and constipation.” (Ref:
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